Blue Health Intelligence

Our Role

Senior Product Marketing Manager

The Challenge

Blue Health Intelligence (BHI) sells employer analytics, risk adjustment analytics, transparency analytics, and benchmarking solutions to Blue Cross Blue Shield health plans. Each product needs marketing support at every stage of the customer journey.

Our Solution

Rachel Brand worked for BHI as a product marketing manager for three years, producing sell sheets, battle cards, case studies, videos, webinars and web content to build awareness, interest and engagement. She also managed BHI’s involvement in several exclusive Blue plan conferences.

Writing Sample

Q. Why is valid and comparable race, ethnicity, and language (REL) data so important?

A. Almost every commercial payer is looking to address ethnic and racial health disparities. The pandemic was a global wakeup call, revealing the true impact of unequal access to quality care and other components of good health. REL data creates a common jumping-off point so that everyone knows the nature of the challenge, on both a population level as well as the individual member level.


Whyzen Analytics Sell Sheet

Whyzen Analytics Placemat, for show and tell at conferences

Whyzen Analytics Video

Race, Ethnicity and Language Data Q & A

AHIP Webinar project management and marketing: The Critical Role of Wide-Ranging Data and Analytics for Health Equity



Colorado BioScience Association

Our Role

Writer, Publications Manager

The Challenge

CBSA produces BioScience Colorado, an annual magazine about the state of Colorado’s biotechnology and medical device industries.

Our Solution

CBSA hired Brand Communications to manage the publication of BioScience Colorado, and write and edit stories.

Writing Sample

“The 37-year-old graduate student sat on a stool in a molecular biology lab one late night in 1989 and stared at a gel.

“Craig Tuerk was tired and had been running experiments for 18 hours straight, and with growing excitement scribbled down chemical sequences.

“If what he saw were true, his experiment reproduced a result that nature had taken thousands of years to produce. By sifting and resifting molecules, he found a sequence of molecules that fit a protein like a hand in a glove, stopping DNA from replicating. He also found several unexpected sequences out of 56,000 possibilities that could equally fit the protein like a key in a lock.

“The result was totally surprising, and Tuerk had an astounding insight. Using this process, he thought, he could find nucleic acids that can bind very tightly to any protein, and maybe he could find a way to intercept proteins that cause disease.”


Colorado School of Public Health

Our Role


The Challenge

CSPH wants to position itself to students, professors, and prospective students as one of the nation’s leading universities of public health.

Our Solution

CSPH engaged Brand Communications write articles about the achievements of CSPH students and faculty. Topics covered include childhood health and wellness, occupational health, global health, and poverty eradication.


CSPH has expanded its library of articles for and about students, while highlighting innovative programs and approaches to public health challenges.

Writing Sample

“Personal weakness.  Heritable condition.  Environmental outcome.

“Such are our views of obesity, a physical state few Americans are comfortable with yet an increasing number are living with.

“‘Next to tobacco, obesity is the biggest single behavior-related risk factor for many diseases,’ said Dr. Tim Byers, associate dean for Public Health Practice and professor of Epidemiology at the Colorado School of Public Health, and associate director for Cancer Prevention and Control, University of Colorado Cancer Center. ‘Obesity drives heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis – that’s about half of our chronic diseases. Obesity presents a tremendous opportunity for us to improve health.’ ”

Obesity Symposium: Experts Survey Obesity Landscape, Tools, Solutions

Building Community Self-Sufficiency, One Handmade Light at a Time

Family Dinner Conversation Leads to Research of Farm-to-Table Job Hazards