
We first conduct research to understand more about you: your history, reputation, structure and beliefs. We examine your existing communications channels and how well they are working. Finally, we seek to understand not only where your organization wants to go, but the principles by which you will get there. What matters most to your organization? What are the principles of your key stakeholders,  partners and audiences?  How do these match up? What are the greatest issues facing your organization? And knowing this, how can you use a values-driven public relations approach to achieve results?


We develop communication plans tied to your organizational mission, timeline, goals and budget. Through brainstorming, dialogue, consensus and review, we map audiences, resources, values, messages and media.


Communication tactics are where the fun begins!  Our goal is to help you send a clear message that targets your audience’s interests and values and helps achieve your goals. We want to create a win-win in which both you and the public benefit. We embrace the use of both traditional and non-traditional media: social media, internal relations and media/influencer relations, both high- and low-technology.


No campaign is complete without measurement. Digital engagement, click-throughs, media attention and sales are some of the ways we measure a positive outcome.