Medical Simulation Corp.

Our Role

Writer and Campaign Strategist with Pushkin Public Relations, Suspect Sepsis, Save Lives Campaign

The Challenge

Medical Simulation Corp., in partnership with the Sepsis Alliance, sought to increase public awareness about sepsis, a life-threating condition that arises when the body’s response to an infection injures its own tissues and organs.

Our Solution

Brand Communications joined with Pushkin Public Relations to concept and execute a public awareness campaign to alert medical professionals and the public to sepsis. The campaign included research, branding, messaging, a website, online advertising, social media, media relations, and a launch event at University of Colorado Hospital.

Writing Sample

“Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, on behalf of the citizens of Colorado, today recognized the deadly impact of sepsis by declaring September 13, 2014 “Colorado Sepsis Awareness Day.” Sepsis is a medical emergency that can affect anyone. It is the third leading cause of death in the United States, after heart attacks and cancer. In Colorado alone this year, 12,000 people will be diagnosed with sepsis, and 3,000 people will pass away from the condition….” (see more…)


Media relations results included stories in the Denver Post, i-News Network, and the Wheatridge Transcript, as well as a television interview on Fox News.


Suspect Sepsis campaign

Delta Dental of Colorado Foundation

Our Role

Campaign Manager with Sabine Kortals, Brush With Me

The Challenge

The Delta Dental of Colorado Foundation sought to reduce the incidence of tooth decay in Colorado children by funding a multi-year education campaign, Brush with Me.

Our Solution

DDCF hired Brand Communications and SabineInk to launch and manage a bi-lingual public awareness campaign that included advertising, events, media relations, partnerships, and parent education.

Campaign Sample

“Parents can help prevent painful tooth decay

  • Make it a family habit to brush together
  • Your kids will want to brush if you brush, too.

“Padres pueden prevenir caries dolorosas.

  • Haz cepillar los dientes un hábito familiar.
  • Tus hijos van a querer cepillar sus dientos si tú tambien te cepillas los tuyos.”


In the first six months of the campaign, it generated 250,000 earned media impressions; more than 3,000 one-on-one interactions at events; 733,000 impressions of public service announcements and more than 5 million ad impressions.