How to Write the Perfect One-Pager

Posted on Categories Healthcare Marketing, Storytelling
Female writer typing using laptop keyboard at her workplace in the morning. Woman writing blogs online, side view close-up picture

We taught attendees at the Colorado Non-Profit Association’s annual meeting how to concept, research and write an issue advocacy piece.

The presentation was part of the policy and advocacy track, and attendees were seeking to learn how to use communications for advocacy, funding and media relations.

One-pagers start with a key message-driven headline, then use narrative, data, photos, and testimonials to create a compelling case. They end in a well-designed, easy-to-digest, single-sided document.

Why boil it down to one page?

The Honorable Lois Court, who served for eight years in the Colorado House of Representatives, told me: “Access to information is not our problem. Everyone in the world wants to give us information. The problem is absorbability.”

We believe that while communicators have many tools in their workbench, nothing forces them to simplify and clarify their message as much as the one-pager. The writing, editing and polishing that goes into this most “perfect” of documents pays dividends across all communications pieces.