How DAM Helps Bring Your Brand Story to Life
“A great product is the shared memory, the shared values, and shared beliefs of your team.”
Every great Brand can be defined by what it believes, what sets it apart, and the brand story it tells. And the culture of a company is arguably its most important asset. But how does a company maintain a shared memory that allows these values to persist as new employees are hired, new teams are created, and a company grows quickly? I’ll outline my strategy below.

Make sure you’re getting the most from your digital assets
As a company grows, so does its digital asset footprint. These assets are the shared memory of an organization. They explain your Brand, your product position, the imagery that represents your brand, the voice you use, and your catalog of goods. Think about how many documents, images, and other materials are created within your organization every day.
You invest a huge amount of time, resources, and money into these assets. The more you can use them, the more value you get from your original investment. So make sure you’re sharing your digital asset footprint with new hires, board members … anyone who needs to know and tell your brand story in a cohesive, memorable way.
Make sure your digital assets are easily accessible
Storing these files is important, but only tells a small fraction of the story. Memory is about the ability to recall (the retrieval process of information from the past). When your organization can quickly store, find, and share these memories — that’s when your company truly has a shared memory. And shared memory ensures that your organization is getting the most ROI from its employees.
How can your Brand achieve shared memory? Well, the answer is Digital Asset Management (DAM). But not just any DAM. It requires a software system that’s easy to use, highly adoptable, and scaleable. Surprised? I get it. I’ve been in the industry a long time and I know that, too often, systems are the exact opposite of the attributes I listed above. They’re so complicated and hard to use that no one on your team wants to adopt them. Or maybe they require extensive training (Who has time for that?). Worst of all, at their heart, these systems often don’t keep the core user experience of maintaining a shared company memory.

The right DAM software facilitates the telling of your Brand’s story in an organized way that’s easy for your team to implement, access, and showcase. The main takeaway here? You spend so much time creating assets, why wouldn’t you make sure you can find them in under an hour. The right DAM can get you there.
Make sure you’re sharing your digital assets
Sharing the story of your product, your Brand, and your company is as important internally as it is externally. Enabling the accurate telling of these stories allows you to spread your values and strengthen your brand.
So, how does DAM enable you to share your brand story? Think about when you are going to tell a story; You need visual assets, product images, decks, logos, photography, language, product summaries, and those are just a few of the components you’ll want. Now, can you name where all of those assets currently live within your organization? If you don’t have a DAM, the answer to that question is probably “hell no.” DAM allows your team to find assets, put them to work, and distribute them to your customers, the press, and other key stakeholders — all with a simple click.
You can have a great Brand story, but no one will hear it if your team doesn’t know how to access the assets they need to bring that story to life.
Bring your brand story to life
It might sound simple, but when your organization can easily share digital assets, shared memory becomes a reality for your team and for your company. It strengthens your values, keeps your product in focus, and, most importantly, it allows your team to tell the amazing story of your Brand.
So, get started sharing your story…